How it all began…

How it all began…

Would you like to know how I came to the idea to start a blog? And to share my ideas with you? Keep reading and follow my journey, it also travels a bit through Australia though.


It all started in Echuca, a beautiful town by the way. I clearly remember the day when I spoke to my mate about loving interior design, being an interior designer and the difficulty of finding a job so far. He, after listening to my thoughts, just dropped it like nothing: write a blog about it. And so the small seed was planted and it started growing in my mind. I started thinking about it. Took some notes and eventually I figured out the name Ira’s Insights. Thanks to repetitive and boring farm work. My friends and the girls, I’ve done my farmwork with. You’ve been a great help and motivation!

The Struggle

Well all that happend in October 2018, about 10 months ago. What took me so long to finish and launch it?

Well a few things happened. I stopped writing, struggled with the technic, asking myself if I really wanna do it or am I strong enough? Is it worth doing it?

And yes it is!

So I started again in February 2019. And this time I kept going. Thanks to Yamba (I travelled up the East Coast in the meanwhile) and all the beautiful people I met there.

Woman studying-How it all began

It’s a high risk paying for the blog, but eventually it was so much nicer and easier. So I paid for it and I haven’t regret it yet and I don’t think I will.

Eventually I launched my blog after a great 5 day challenge: Blog Start Challenge of Janneke Duijnmaijer of Blog Your Thing. That helped me to keep going and be motivated and here we are!

Let me know what you think on Instagram or in the comments below. And don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks for reading!

Curious to find out more? Keep reading and check out: How it all began… Part II.

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