How it all began… Part III

How it all began… Part III

I wrote about a few towns in my text How it all began…. By now you probably know more about Echuca, but there is still one town left about which you probably don’t know anything yet. So keep reading if you wanna find out more about it and my story how everything began.

Second stop: Yamba

Main Beach Yamba

Yamba the town I just wanted to stay in just for 2 nights. That was in December 2018 and now I’m still here. That happens when you’re travelling, you just discover new places which you never thought of before and which you fall in love with.

Yamba is a small town, a bit further away from the main roads and surrounded by beaches. I came to Yamba, because people recommended it. I never heard of a town called Yamba till then and I was curious why that was and why people couldn’t stop talking about it.

A Stroll through Yamba

Lighthouse Yamba

I arrived in Yamba and my first stop was Pippis Beach, where you’re able to spot dolphins, but well I didn’t, I had simply the wrong timing. Craving for not being alone any longer, I was travelling alone in the car for about two weeks back then, which was awesome, I signed up in the YHA, had a good nap and went out for my first walk through town. I went up to the Clarence Head Lighthouse, where I had a beautiful view over Main Beach, went down to the lovers point and back up again and along Main Beach down to Pippis Beach and back to the YHA. My night at the YHA was beautiful. I met a lot of great people, played Beer Pong and won.

And guess what happened: I kept on extending my stay over the next days and well I’m still in Yamba. I moved out of the hostel by now but nothing really changes here.

A Tourism Town

Yamba is a town which is mostly depending on tourism that means that it triples the population during high season in December and January, everything is booked out, it’s busy and the beaches are crowded. Oh by the way you can find about eleven beaches around Yamba, so don’t worry about the swell, you’ll probably find a beach where the surf is good J But throughout the year it’s pretty quiet, layed back and relaxed.

Turners Beach Yamba

That’s what I want to tell you about Yamba for now, but don’t worry I’m going to write a lot more about this beautiful spot 🙂

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Hit the subscribe button, follow me on Instagram and give me some feedback in the comments below!

Haven’t read the beginning? Then check out: How it all began…

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