Interior Design Insight: Irons and Craig

Interior Design Insight: Irons and Craig

A Café and Bar in Yamba

Everybody knows those places, where you walk in and you feel like wow I want to stay, it’s so nice and cosy. You’re just feeling great! I found such a place it’s a Café and Bar called Irons and Craig in Yamba, you’re just feeling welcomed, the energy is just amazing! I love to stay there, have a coffee and one of those awesome tasting, homemade donuts, yum! Let me take you on a tour through it and let me show you the awesome Interior Design of Irons and Craig.

The Exterior of Irons and Craig

The exterior of Irons and Craig is already pretty impressive, it is hard to walk by without having a glance inside. There is a lot happening, but it is still clear, you know where to go and what you’ll get. You’ll get take aways on the left side, if you go up the stairs and if you go to the right, you’ll get seated and you can sit down by a nice cup of coffee and some snacks.

The Interior of Irons and Craig

Let’s go inside!

There is the Barista and the Bar on the left side, when you walk into Irons and Craig. You heard right a bar, where you can get cocktails in summer, it’s not just a café. But usually you’ll turn around to the right and the waitress is going to seat you somewhere in those rooms.

The Sunroom

First you’ll enter a room facing the street with big windows and loads of sun. I usually choose this room to sit down and have a coffee, it’s just so sunny and warm. It’s also a bit busier, so if you’re looking for some peace, just move to the next room.

The Tube

This room is a bit shaped like a tube, long and narrow, but that’s exactly what makes it so comfortable. If you’re looking for a bit more peace it’s the right spot, you’re protected from views, not many people are passing and you’re still not feeling lonely, because of its shape.

The Garden

So we’re nearly at the end of our small tour through this beautiful café, there is just one more thing the garden, it kinda belongs to a café like this. It is so nice to have the possibility to sit outside to enjoy the green and the peace. It just refreshes your energies.

The story of Irons and Craigs

So and that’s it, but I’ll tell you more about the story behind Irons and Craig and it’s name, it’s pretty interesting. Didn’t you wonder about this name? There is usually a story behind isn’t? And yes there is. The Café is named after the owner’s grandmothers Olga Irons and Joan Craig. And you can read about this story on all those table numbers. That’s just great.

The Interior Design

David and Antony are the owner of Irons and Craig and they love doing it, you can see and feel it. They kept the interior as much as possible from the original building, which is from the 1950s. And it doesn’t mean just the architecture, no it means the Interior Design, as well – the colours, the decoration, the furniture and so on. But that’s not all, they combined the old pieces with modern pieces and that in a great way. You don’t feel like you travelled back in time, but you also don’t feel like you’re in a typical modern building. It feels like a home. The pieces are all so different and barely anything is the same, but it just matches in a perfectly way.

Irons and Craigs decoration

And all those bits and pieces everywhere. Decoration here, some quotes there, it’s like you enter someone’s living room. So gorgeous. I love details and they match up perfectly.

David and Antony managed to give the Interior Design the perfect touch, a welcoming and heart-warming one. I love it. If you’re in Yamba, go and grab a coffee at Irons and Craig!

And check out the website and their Social Media to find out more:

What do you think about it? Did it inspire you? Is this a type of Interior Design you like? Let me know what you think on Instagram or in the comments below. And don’t forget to subscribe.

Curious to find out more? Have a look at Summi’s, another beautiful Café in Yamba.

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