Microbrewery Modern Style Mood Board

Microbrewery Modern Style Mood Board

How would you design a microbrewery? Do you even know what a microbrewery is and how would it fit into Yamba? Questions over questions. I had them too when this client asked me to create the interior design for his new project. He wants to change is café, bar, restaurant into a microbrewery, which is a great idea. Yamba has more than enough cafés so it would be good to create something new and fresh. So I started to create four mood boards with different ideas and styles. The first mood board I called modern style and it represents a pretty clean, minimalistic modern style with typical brewing and industrial features. Keep reading to find out more about my ideas, my microbrewery modern style mood board and what a microbrewery actually is.

What is a Microbrewery?

Let’s start with the first question. What is a microbrewery? A microbrewery, also called craft brewery produces small amounts of craft beer. It is independently owned and quality, flavour and brewing technique is more important than brewing big amounts of beer. Most of the homebrew beer is also sold on the premises. You can often see the brewing tanks and everything else which comes with brewing beer in the interior of a microbrewery. It is very popular to give the interior design in a rough and industrial look with metal, glass and wood. But what are my ideas on how to create a microbrewery? Keep reading to find out more about my microbrewery modern style mood board.

First Step: Barinstorming

Well I started with doing some brainstorming. What pops up in my mind when I think about a brewery? About Yamba? About surfer style? I got quite a few different ideas and keywords out of the brainstorming, so I created four different mood boards: modern, industrial, surf and boho style. It is always good to create a few different mood boards, so the client can get a few different ideas and you got a lot more to talk about. So what are actually my ideas, materials and visions for a modern style microbrewery? Keep reading to find out.

My Microbrewery Modern Style Mood Board

What is a modern style microbrewery for me? It’s quite a clean design, minimalistic, but not cold or uncomfortable. It includes quite a few cold and clean materials like metal, glass, concrete and white tiles. Those materials would just make the interior feeling uncomfortable and cold. Wouldn’t they? Exactly. That’s why I also include warm materials like bricks, wood and the right light. Light is so important. If you choose the wrong light, you’ll destroy everything you created with all the materials. So always choose wisely. And in this chase warm yellowish light. You want the people to stay and feel comfortable.

Microbrewery Modern Style Mood Board
Microbrewery Modern Style Mood Board

All those materials combined create a rough, but comfortable atmosphere. Which fits perfectly to a microbrewery and a modern style interior design. Check it out on my Pinterest board and let me know what you think about my microbrewery modern style mood board in the comments below.

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